Review The Mountain Story – Lori Lansens
‘The Mountain Story’, a title that grabbed me right away. I had to read this story, ’cause I love the mountains’. It would have to be a pretty bad author if she would disappoint. Honestly? I want to buy the book. I want to re-read it again and again. This is one of those gems you are just drawn to for some reason and will cherish for the rest of your life.
Wolf, Wilfred for people who don’t know him, lost his mom when he was only four years old. He is left with Frankie, his father, whose only interests are booze en women. Oh, sure, he loves his son, but his urges for drink and sex are way stronger than to take care of this little boy. So when Frankie finds himself in trouble once again, he decides to move from Michigan to California. He takes his son and the few possessions and hits the road.
Before they leave, the librarian who has felt sorry for Wolf, gives him a book and tells him to never ever eat a hallucinatic plant found in the area he moves to. The book tells Wolf about the mountain and he can’t wait to see it and climb and hike its many paths. When he gets to California he is dumped at a trailerpark with his aunt and lots and lots of cousins and all their small children.
He feels trapped. But then he meets his best friend Byrd. They are kindred spirits. Byrd is part Native American and knows a lot about the Mountain. Wolf, a 16th part Cree, finds his soulmate in Byrd. So when Byrd loses his ‘self’ in an accident, Wolf decides to take his own life on his 18th birthday on the mountain, where he and Byrd used to hike so many times.
Fate decides differently, though. Mountains can be treacherous. No matter how many times you’ve been with them they can change within seconds. Never, ever, underestimate a mountain. Ever. This is what Wolf finds out when he tries to help three women who are lost. Nothing has prepared him for the fact that he will soon be lost with them.
No food, no water, hot days and very cold, freezing nights, bad weather, wildlife, they are tested with all the danger a mountain can provide. For five days they wander around, not knowing where to go or what to do. Will they survive? No, not all of them.
Mystic beauty
Maybe you need to be in the mountains to know that feeling, that mystic beauty and its whispers in the wind. The wind that finds ways around bolders and rocks. It seems to always want to tell you something. It whispers age old secrets to the rocks that we will never know. God’s country. But where is God when you need Him to lead the way? Maybe you will hear Him when you are still. He will test you and give you answers when you truly listen and let go of everything that does not matter.
Lori Lansens
Born in 1960, In Canada, she was a screenwriter before writing novels. She moved to Los Angeles. Married with children, she finds the time to write screenplays and novels which received numerous prizes. Her books tend to feature subject like religion and sex. Her writing style in ‘The Mountain Story’ is very respectful, insightful and magical.
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